Our Investment Strategy

Our Investment Strategy

Silkstone Capital invests in undervalued stocks at a large discount of their intrinsic value. The fund is committed to share the outcome of specific valuation activities of investable stocks with all registered subscribers on the website.

The fund participates in the trade of range bound growth stocks to generate some short term profits. The fund also shares its monthly and daily stock investing ideas. Each stock under consideration has a specific buy target range and a sell price based on fund’s valuation work. All this information is regularly updated on “OUR STOCK IDEAS” page of the website.

Our Unique Value Proposition

Preparing Equity Shortlist for Investment

  • In-depth Equity Research and Analysis
  • Pick and Choose undervalued stocks for valuation purpose
  • Value each of the selected Equity
  • Determine High, Median and Low Fair Value of the Stock based on conservative to Optimistic Revenue Growth Estimate

Our Unique Value Proposition

Stock Investment Process

  • Stock price movement monitoring in real time
  • Buy in a small lot at 5% -10% discount of the fair value of the stock
  • The portfolio is well diversified with good mixes of Young and Start Up, High Growth and Mature Companies
  • Each invested stock has a sell price to lock in upside profits and minimize downside losses